Michael Everett: The Rise of Thomas Cromwell. Power and Politics in the Reign of Henry VIII

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How much does the Thomas Cromwell of popular novels and television series resemble the real Cromwell? This meticulous study of Cromwell’s early political career expands and revises what has been understood concerning the life and talents of Henry VIII’s chief minister. Michael Everett provides a new and enlightening account of Cromwell’s rise to power, his influence on the king, his role in the Reformation, and his impact on the future of the nation.

Controversially, Everett depicts Cromwell not as the fervent evangelical, Machiavellian politician, or the revolutionary administrator that earlier historians have perceived. Instead he reveals Cromwell as a highly capable and efficient servant of the Crown, rising to power not by masterminding Henry VIII’s split with Rome but rather by dint of exceptional skills as an administrator.

Boktitel: Thomas Cromwell. Power and Politics in the Reign of Henry VIII
Författare: Michael Everett
Bokförlag: Yale University Press

Michael Everett gained a PhD at the University of Southampton where he is now a visiting fellow. He currently works at the House of Commons, London, and lives in Hampshire, UK.

Skådespelaren Mark Rylance gestaltar Cromwell i BBC:s filmatisering av Hilary Mantels romaner
om tiden då det begav sig.
Foto: BBC
